Have fun when participating. Let us know how you really feel!
You will have the opportunity to lend your voice on new and existing products. Companies want to hear your opinions so that they can improve and make
the best version of what they have to offer.
Here are some helpful hints to enhance your experience.
Getting Started:
Set up your profile. The more complete your profile is the greater chance you have to participate in our research. Periodically, update your information. If you forget your password, you may reset it by clicking on the “Forgot your password."
You will receive study invitations from Facts 'n Figures email powered by Survey Monkey. Please make sure you allow your email to accept surveys coming from bonnie@factsnfiguresinc.com. Survey screening inventions are sent to members based on the study criteria. To have a better chance of being selected as a potential participant, make sure your profile is complete and up to date.
Once you complete a screening survey online, a research assistant will review your responses. Once your answers have been reviewed by our staff and you do meet the study requirements, you will either receive an email or our recruiting office will contact you to schedule an appointment for the study. Because we deal with a high volume of participants, a response from us may take a few days. Please do not call our office.
The Day of your Study:
If you are coming to our office, be sure to give yourself plenty of time to arrive on time for your research session. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time to check-in and complete any necessary paper work. It is very important that each session starts on time. If you arrive after your study time, you are late. Late arrivals may not be used and not paid the study incentive.
DO NOT BRING young children or pets to your study. Unless they are participating in a group, please leave your children at home. Plan ahead for babysitting.
Dress Casual. Please come dressed neat and clean. No torn clothing, inappropriate logos or anything that may be offensive to others. Please cover all visible tattoos that may be offensive to others.
If you need glasses to read, remember to bring those We may be using computers and/or filling out questionnaires on paper.
Refrain from wearing strong fragrances or smoking before the study Fragrances affect the sense of taste and smell.
Please do not discuss what you talked about or products that you tested with family, friends, or co-workers. It is important to keep study information confidential. Once the product has been released to the public, it is then okay for you to discuss it.
At the Testing Facility:
Please turn off all electronic devices before the start of your study. Your opinion is vital to the success of the research. If you are distracted by your electronic devices, you will not be fully engaged and focused on the conversation or evaluating a product.
Photo identification is a must. If you do not have your photo on file with us, you will need to have a photo ID to check-in. A drivers license, state ID, or passport are only acceptable forms of ID. School or work ID are not accepted.
Do not call us from your cell phone if our building is locked - If your arrival time is after 7:00 PM on weekdays, please use the call box on the outside of the building for entry. Dial 0500 and we will buzz you in. Please note, the building is also locked on Saturday's after 1:00 PM. Do not use the stairwell, it's only for emergency exits.
Online focus groups/Interviews:
You will be scheduled for a tech check a day before your study to ensure that your devise microphone and audio is enabled. Tech checks only take 5 minutes and are necessary to ensure you do not have any technical issues the day of your study and you have a good experience during the group.
You will receive a confirmation email with the day & time of your study along with links for the tech check and for the live group. Please keep this email for your reference of the information you need for the study, such as pre-group (homework), email addresses of FnF personnel, tech check & live links.
During your Session:
​Be respectful of others and their opinions. Each of us have our own opinions of just about every topic imaginable and everyone has the right to express their opinion.
Follow all directions during your session. It's important to follow directions of the facilitator/moderator as results may become invalid and cannot be used. Anyone found to be disruptive will be asked to leave and not paid.
Your Opinion Matters. You play a vital role in how products are developed and eventually brought to market. Companies encourage you be part of market research studies because they want to bring you products you love and want to buy. If the data collected is not accurate, companies will not meet consumer expectations. Companies really want to hear what you think. You will not offend companies if you think something is not how you like it. Your opinion really does count!
Participate! You are the voice of the people. You can help shape the products and services that are produced for this country. By being part of the OPINIONATION, whether in a taste test, discussion group, or individual interview, you have the opportunity to tell companies what you like, don’t like, want, and need from them. Your participation in research helps bring value to the products and services you buy.
Have a good time. Market research is fun and exciting. You get to try new products before they go to market or be part of a discussion about topics that can direct companies to new ideas or make an impact on political issues.